STEM, an acronymn for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

STEM Aware is a company that delivers these curriculum subjects in a blended manner that allows students to relate to STEM in everyday life and the world around them. They are encouraged to think in a computational manner, to be innovative and creative in their designs, to problem solve and think outside the box, while employing mathematical skills throughout and of course having fun!

STEM Aware creates a connected learning platform that will enhance and enrich learning through interactive and creative assemblies, workshops, classroom lessons, after-schools clubs, summer schemes and community events, all with enthusiasm and immense enjoyment.

Through the progression of the business STEM Aware has achieved the development of STEM kits that can be sent to any location.

STEM Aware will get everyone to think like a scientist, operate like an engineer and play like a child!

Our Team

STEM Aware was founded in 2011 by Building Services Engineer Roisin Crawford and she is now the Creative Director of STEM Aware.

The team is diversely made up with people from different educational backgrounds and careers, all ages and gender, but the one thing in common is the passion to see a school, community group or any individual encouraged to seek and experience success through STEM.

STEM Aware staff and volunteers are processed with appropriate clearance procedures for working with children and vulnerable groups. They also are trained and adhere to all company policies including Child Protection.


Paul Crawford

Coming from an engineering and construction background, Paul has transferred his skills to education, delivering programs for Seagate, Ulster University, Gilbert Ash, Culture TECH…

Roisin Crawford

Roisin Crawford created STEM Aware to help engage children in a full and long lasting learning experience. With a background in Building Service Engineering, Roisin is passionate about education and STEM outreach work.

“Having four young children myself I wanted to learn how they learn, how could I support them as a parent, how could I do this better, this is what led me to where I am today. My children are so rich to have my industry experience at their disposal and hence as I shared this in their school, here the business began and it has since evolved into what it is today. We have grown in staff numbers, academic and industry experience, we have a great team work ethos and a real passion and joy for what we do.”

Roisin Crawford, BEng Hons.


Teachers and pupils will get hands on ‘learning by doing’. Teachers will be equipped with all the necessary support material such as power points, lesson plans, risk assessments and worksheets that will compliment the kit provided for the chosen activity as facilitated by the Stew Aware team. Schools could kick-start or deepen stem engagement through one of the different options.

One Hour Classroom Activities

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Proposed activity lessons that last 1 hour with the STEM Aware facilitation staff. Available activity lessons include;

  1. Bridges
  2. Coding
  3. Eco activities
  4. Electricity
  5. Energy
  6. Energy 
  7. Flight 
  8. Human body
  9. Kites 
  10. Many others activities linked to WAU topics
  11. Pneumatics and Hydraulics
  12. Practical Maths (including hired Lego)
  13. Rockets
  14. Solids, Liquids and Gases
  15. Space
  16. Structures
  17. Water

Workshop Days

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Workshop Delivery Days (full day or half day). Following the themes listed below STEM Aware will compose an event plan to meet the requirements of your school. Available workshops include;

  1. Bridges and Structures
  2. Coding (we provide laptops for up to 30 pupils).  
  3. Crime Scene Investigations
  4. Electricity and Robotics
  5. Lego and Lego WeDo 2.0
  6. Minecraft Edu. (we provide laptops for up to 30 pupils).
  7. Space and Rockets
  8. Transport and Travel

Nursery and SEN

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Nursery group and specialized delivery of STEM developed to the appropriate level for the very young and those with special educational needs.

Science Shows

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Interactive science show with audience participation will create a journey to explore different types of energy, rocket launchers, electricity, fire and the amazing properties of air.

Family Events

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Bring science to family fun nights or the school summer fete with bottled rockets, science demos, interactive science activities that can get messy!

Teacher Training

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Training sessions for teachers, support staff and parents designed to meet the needs of the school, this can be delivered to teachers across the school to allow a full approach to areas of learning and progression skills through the school.

Post Primary

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STEM Aware will accommodate career talks but prefer to have hands on career walks with secondary school pupils though interactive workshops.


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STEM Aware will design any bespoke projects for industry or community groups that will outreach to the selected target audience groups, highlighting the support that certain areas of community life that industry provides.


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STEM Aware will design and facilitate specially designed programs for community outreach groups, for example Good Relations Workshops where STEM is the mechanism in workshops addressing reconcilation or prejudice.

Please note children and adult numbers, travel and delivery are needed to determine costs so please let us know your details by completing the contact form.


Within the community there is a growing awareness of science and engineering. STEM Aware facilitates workshops at many community events that bring people together for many reasons. STEM Aware can facilitate workshops at youth clubs, church groups, summer schemes and seasonal holiday events and celebrations.

Birthday parties are available upon request.

Please note children and adult numbers, travel and delivery are needed to determine costs so please let us know your details by completing the contact form.


6 + 11 =

Reach out today for more information.